This track is a mashup of Shovel Knight's track "Strike the Earth" ( and Megaman X' track "Ballade" ( Track BPM is 160 (well, technically 80 I guess, but in the DAW I set it to 160). At the end it slows down to 150bpm, but that shouldn't matter for the guitar parts because that's just a power chord. Compo deadline is Sunday 9pm EST, that might be a bit too tight, but we'll see where we get. The rhythm guitars are pretty simple. Feel free to spice them up to taste, but it's probably best to make them not too complicated because they are pretty much in the background, with all the busy leads obscuring them a bit. The midi for the rhythms might look a bit weird; the lower notes are power chords, the notes 2-3 octaves up are single notes. Low velocity notes are palm mutes, high velocity notes sustains. Lead guitars start at bar 13 and mostly contain leads from Shovel Knight or variations thereof. The midi should be pretty straightfoward here. The notes one octave down at the end of a long sustained note are a trick to do a slide down.